Teaching idea: rather than the usual weekly forum, a class wiki based on The Arcades Project. 

Each week students would add an entry to any of the categories below. As with Benjamin, entries would combine a quotation & a critical commentary. My fall lit seminars (one undergraduate, one graduate) focus on publishing networks from Black Mountain, the Berkley Renaissance, and the Black Arts movement through New Left San Francisco.  A lot of poets are visiting too, & these categories would allow leeway for their individual interests. 

A. Games & Rules
B. Enslavement
C. Flowers
D. Reproduction, Housework
E. Technological Reproduction
F. Heteroglossia
G. Knight's Thinking*
H. Shock Doctrine, Demolition
I. Interstate Flâneurs
J. Hellions
K. Fashion
L. Things, O.O.O.
M. Ugly Feelings
N. Publishers, Editors, Printers, Booksellers
O. Privatization of the Avant-Garde
P. Creative Writing-ization
Q. ...
R. Debt
S. Direct action
T. Infrastructure, Municipalities
U. The Streets of San Francisco

*via Hannah Weiner