The concordance for Kathy Acker books is not what I expected. The libidinal words are sure to stand out when reading, but for sheer statistical repetition, the more common words are abhor, body, down, feel, get, going, know, love, man, myself, people, see, tell, want, anything, day, dream, father, girl, know, mother, now, room, school, time, want, wanted, dog, even, and human. It's one way to gauge her compositional procedure by noting that none of the same words stand out in the pirated sources. In the original Great Expectations, for example, proper names tend to be more prominent, and the title "Mr." is the most common word in the whole text. Acker plagiarized far more sources than just Dickens, but still I would have expected a bit more overlap.

There is no option for compiling the concordances for all her digitized books, but at a quick glance, her most commonly used word is WANT, followed in second place by LOVE.

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