Not so bad considering it is statistically the worst day of the year. I worked on stuff not related to croissants. I read a disjointed article on the Great Zucchini--the top entertainer for children age 3-6 in the greater D.C. area. It turns out he has a gambling problem. I listened to a long selection of Edwin Denby recordings while running on the treadmill. I read Kenward Elmslie, Motor Disturbance--a happy find for $5. I read Perelman's appreciative review of new books by Perloff and Watten in the new issue of American Literature. The power went out for a while, so I read other stuff.

Also in AL, I read an article on the early film Life of an American Fireman (1902). It sounds like the possible fate of the mp3 player or internet video when he writes, "It is remarkably hard to resist the tyranny of normalization and naturalization to see past or through or beyond codes of intelligibility once [conventions of a new technological device] have become entrenched and taken for granted. All the more reason, then, to struggle to locate a medium at its moments of emergence, before it figured out what it was good for, or (to deny it autonomous agency) to see what its own practitioners made of it during its earliest stages. Such a mode of analysis operates in the subjunctive mood to imagine what a medium could or might have been, rather than where it came from or what it became."

And right here! Come on over! I am just someone who knows lots of trivia!!!

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