Sunday on the Simpsons Bart became a "mama's boy" after spending too much time with Marge. Philip Wylie in Generation of Vipers (1942) defines "Momism" as "the emasculating effects of aggressive mothers and wives on the behavior of sons and husbands as a consequence of the reconfiguration of traditional gender roles." Mmmmh. Thinking about my mom who skins roadkill and chases away the alligators and my wife who receives a yellow card in every other soccer game and recently expressed interest in rock climbing and fencing. My response, "Oh, I learned some fencing once when I played Romeo in the school play. Yes we wore the tights, too." So are those poetry wars for everyone? GBV: "I entered the game of pricks / with knives in the back of me..." Or maybe genetic therapy will lead to braver mice.

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